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Welcome to HyColony!

HyColony is a new community created for players looking for a more tight-knit and structured community where one can feel at home and not have to worry about troubles plaguing public servers like immaturity, vulgarism or griefing.

Our primary offering will consist of whitelisted servers of different types, including adventure, role play, creative and minigame servers. We will also most likely host a public server of some kind, as a introductory server for newcomers wanting to whitelist.

HyColony has been created by yours truly - root. I am an experienced system administrator in his 30s who loves sandbox games like Minecraft where players are given freedom to create whatever they want and explore the world. I wish to give people around the opportunity to play HyTale in a safe, secure and controlled environment where they can enjoy themselves with friends and create fun stories and interactions with other players.

I hope you enjoy your stay in our little colony of peace.



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